Written by BIMCRONE

Startupbubble included BIMCRONE among the innovative companies.

Startup Bubble News, a media outlet for entrepreneurs, innovators and startup enthusiasts, also included BIMCRONE in its news about innovative solutions.

You can review the article to get more information about us with the accurate and brief information about BIMCRONE.

…BIMCRONE’s platform is a game-changer for the construction industry, empowering stakeholders with traceable digital twins that revolutionize project management. With its ability to increase profitability, improve efficiency, and foster secure collaboration, BIMCRONE is driving innovation in an industry that demands continuous improvement. By harnessing the power of digitalization, this Ankara-based startup is poised to transform the way construction projects are planned, executed, and managed…

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Written by BIMCRONE

Nesrin Akın Oztabak’s interview with Emsal.com on BIM Technology and BIMCRONE has been published.

In our Founding Partner Nesrin Akın Oztabak’s interview with Emsal.com, the current situation of BIM applications in Turkey and the solutions offered by the companies in the field where they operate were examined.

The subheadings of the interview are as follows:

-Digitalization Process of the Construction Industry
-What is BIM? How Did BIMCRONE Come About?
-Use of BIM Technology in Turkey
-BIMCRONE’s Usage Areas and Solutions
-Advantages of BIMCRONE to Different Stakeholders
-BIMCRONE’s Activity Regions and Targets

For the full interview: https://emsal.com/bimcrone-ile-dijitallesen-insaatlarda-verimlilik-artiyor/

Written by BIMCRONE

BIMCRONE Among 40 Startups Providing Earthquake Solutions

Hürriyet journalist Şenay Büyükköşdere conducted an interview with Prof. Dr. Attila Dikbaş, the General Manager of ITU ARI Teknokent, regarding earthquake solutions developed by ITU Çekirdek startups. In the interview, it was stated that following the earthquake on February 6, ITU Çekirdek startups volunteered to provide support projects and currently there are 40 earthquake solutions being developed. BIMCRONE is among the projects being focused on. Dikbaş emphasized that these startups are working 24/7 to prepare for the expected Istanbul earthquake, with some applications aimed at helping earthquake victims under debris, while others will provide housing, health, and psychological support to earthquake survivors.


BIMCRONE: Continues to hold discussions with local governments and ministries to provide support for reconstruction and urban development in earthquake zones.

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Written by BIMCRONE

BIMCRONE Is Qualified to Become an ITU Çekirdek Enterprise

The BIMCRONE software developed by Epikron Teknoloji, which was established with the support of Tübitak 1512, was accepted to ITU Çekirdek.

BIMCRONE is a cloud software solution that makes all processes of a construction can be monitored, reported and managed with real-time data.

BIMCRONE creates the digital twin of construction projects from the planning stage, construction and operation, facility management stages and makes it manageable with up-to-date data. It relates the created 3D architectural plan, schedule, cost-quantity data, maintains this relationship and records all the data produced during the project in relation to the building elements.It ensures that the data is kept up-to-date during and after the project and that the digital twin is protected.

BIMCRONE can show the revisions on the project during the design phase and all changes based on the building element as visual coloring and comparative list. During the construction phase, the status of the building elements can be changed on the construction site, notes, photographs, etc. files can be added and the information is instantly accessible to all relevant stakeholders.

With its detailed reporting module, you can get daily, weekly, monthly progress reports, as well as easily identify disruptions in the process and receive delay reports.

BIMCRONE allows the follow-up of planned, periodic works for facility management. In addition, maintenance and guarantee period allow documents to be followed on a single platform.

With BIMCRONE, it is possible to achieve a 20% increase in profit and a 35% increase in productivity. Considering the decreasing profitability rates in the construction industry,digitalization will be important in the future of the industry.

The BIMCRONE initiative, which was accepted as a result of long processes carried out in January, will have the chance to reach awards and investments with the Big Bang effect after the program process.

Written by BIMCRONE

Webrazzi published an article about benefits of BIMCRONE

One of the most popular web news pages Webrazzi published an article about BIMCRONE

BIMCRONE can reduce costs by up to 40 percent

Nesrin Akın Öztabak and Sinan Öztabak are the founders of BIMCRONE, which was established under the roof of Epicrone Technology and currently provides service with 7 full-time and 3 part-time employees. Nesrin Akın Öztabak states that the product was implemented in a period of 5 years. They benefited from some ready-made infrastructures during development; Öztabak also states that they have been doing serious literature research throughout the whole process, and that they have benefited from the guidance of academic research, as well as the current pain points of the sector, especially for the roadmap, while developing BIMCRONE.

BIMCRONE can increase efficiency by 42 percent and profit by 20 percent. It can reduce costs by 40 percent with its use during the operational period. It should also be noted that the product was put into use after successful demo processes were carried out in construction companies. In 2022, the use of BIMCRONE in public projects is expected to become widespread.

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Written by himes

BIMCRONE’s investment valuation over 80 million tl published in Habertürk.

Habertürk, who took us under the spotlight on July 6, 2022, made the following news about our company.

“The local startup BIMcrone, which enables real-time field management, cost-quantity tracking and project management with its technology that makes it possible to monitor all processes of a building through the digital twin, received an investment of 80 million TL from the investment fund NeXT Proptech and Neo Portfolio.

BIMCRONE was founded by Nesrin Akın and Sinan Öztabak, one of the ITU Çekirdek initiatives, enables real-time field management, cost-quantity tracking and project management with its technology that makes it possible to monitor all processes of a building via digital twin..

According to the statement made, to get instant information about how many people are working in the field today, which building element was manufactured at which price, which material loss rates, which subcontractor, and how much material/budget will be needed in the next week/month/year, through the model created with BIMcrone. possible.

With the system that records method/model changes in the field and market price changes, 4D and 5D simulations and projections can be made. The Saas working platform transforms the construction industry with different functions in the planning, construction, operation and demolition processes of the building.

Stating that the investment received will be used in product and business development, Nesrin Akın, one of the founders of the initiative, said, “The great benefits obtained by the studies carried out by taking the entire life cycle of the projects on the digital twin While developing this in the Turkish market, on the other hand, England and Europe. We will also take our first steps for the market.”

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Written by BIMCRONE

BIMCRONE Met With Investors in NTV Ortak Broadcast

Nesrin Akın Öztabak, CEO of Epikrin Teknoloji, introduced their enterprise BIMCRONE in the NTV Ortak broadcast .

Stating that with the BIMCRONE software they developed for the construction industry, they aim to make all processes of a construction’s planning, construction and operation stages can be monitored, reported, managed with real-time data, and to produce better projects with process optimization, Nesrin Akın Öztabak said that their products are at the MVP stage.

Nesrin Akın Öztabak, who convinced the fund managers Rina Onur Şirinoğlu, Altan Küçükçınar and Atıl Erken, had a second chance to meet with the jury members.


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